Children's Health Care Products at Walgreens
Kids have special health care needs. They can't always take the same medications that adults can and when they can they require a different dose. That's why it's important to read the label carefully and choose the proper dose based on your child's age and weight. Measure out the dose carefully using the proper dosing device. Always use a dosing device marked with the appropriate units. Don't forget to close any medicine tightly after use and store in a locked cabinet for safety. Remember to throw out any medicine that has expired.
How Can I Check My Child's Temperature?
What's the first thing you do when your child isn't feeling well? Most parents bring out the thermometer. A fever is often an indication that your child is fighting off an infection. In some cases, a fever isn't a sign of a serious illness but it's a good idea to contact your pediatrician if your child is younger than 3 months of age or if they have a fever that lasts for more than 24 hours. Other symptoms your doctor should know about include a high fever (104 degrees F or greater), repeated vomiting or diarrhea, seizures, rash, a bulging skull, headache and dehydration. You should also contact your child's pediatrician right away if they have other health problems and develop a fever.
Digital Forehead Thermometers
There are a number of ways to measure a child's temperature. One of the easiest is a digital forehead thermometer. It's simple to use. Place the forehead thermometer onto your finger and lightly rub your child's forehead with it. The thermometer can give an accurate temperature reading in only six seconds. With this thermometer you can take a child's temperature while they sleep. The thermometer comes with complete instructions on how to use it. It even remembers the last temperature reading.
Temporal Thermometers
Scanner temporal thermometers are another way to take your child's temperature while they sleep. To use this thermometer, gently stroke your child's forehead while holding down a button on the thermometer. As you scan, the thermometer measures the amount of heat released from the temporal artery, a blood vessel that runs through the forehead. The thermometer beeps and a red light comes on to let you know you've scanned correctly. Some hospitals use this method to measure a child's temperature.
Ear Thermometers
One of the fastest ways to get a temperature reading is with an instant read digital ear thermometer. This handy thermometer measures temperature inside the ear and can deliver an accurate reading within seconds. It also has the capability of remembering up to ten previous temperature readings. It's ideal for children but adults can use it too.
A Thermometer Comparison
In all children, a rectal temperature is the most accurate. Mouth temperatures are also reliable when taken in children who are at least 4 years old. However, forehead and ear temperatures may be easier to measure and can be reliable when taken properly. Whatever type of thermometer you choose, be sure you know how to use it correctly to get the most accurate reading. Be sure to keep and follow the manufacturer's recommendations for any thermometer.
Keeping Your Child Healthy
Keep your medicine and first aid cabinet well stocked with the essentials your doctor recommends to help your children feel better when they're sick. You can choose from a variety of accessories including humidifiers, potty training aids, vaporizers, teething devices, pacifiers and thermometers. If your child is ill, talk to their doctor before giving any medications - just to be safe.
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